„Let´s help people to lead a healthy life“
VITAR, s.r.o was established in 1990. Since the very beginning we have been focusing on our own development and manufacturing of food supplements that help people to lead a healthy life.
Our major brands are Vitar, Energit, Revital and Maxi Vita. We are also an exclusive distributor of insect repellents Predator. Since 2011 we have been a licensed producer of the worldwide known fruit drink for kids, Capri-Sonne.
Our most important distribution lines are pharmacies and retail stores. Via the subsidiary company VITAR SLOVAKIA, spol. s r.o. we operate on the Slovakian market which is an integral part of our sales activities. Exportation is another important part of our business as we expand considerably into many countries of Europe, Asia and America. Last but not least, we are a significant cooperation partner for companies for which we secure development and production of their private label products.
According to the latest international standards we have implemented and certified management systems BRC, IFS a HACCP.
Our strategy for development, production and sale of our products mainly consists of:
- maximally satisfied customer who benefits from use of our products,
- our own production of best quality, harmless and safe products according to the latest global knowledge and trends,
- using of know-how and sources which enable us to be an innovator in the field,
- indicating the trends in composition and use of food supplements in the Czech Republic as well as abroad,
- using best quality raw materials and packaging in accordance with applicable national and European standards,
- constant development and training of employees and mutual respect and dignity of each worker,
- systematic aproach to internal controls and measurements in our own laboratories,
- compliance with all legal and other mandatory requirements relating to the company,
- investment in organization development, technology and personnel in order to improve the product quality,
- prevention of environmental pollution and risk prevention in the field of safety.
In Tišnov, March 12, 2014
Vladimír Polášek, General Director