Heart, bloodstream

The heart and the cardiovascular system are vital for our existence. We can care for them also through vitamins and minerals, which contribute to the correct functioning of the heart (for example omega 3) or to the cration of red blood cells and red blood colouring (iron, folic acid).
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The heart belongs to the key human organs and also the cardiovascular system is important for the functioning of the organism. Therefore we need to care for it properly – do the exercise and eat healthy food. Also food supplements can help, because they contribute to the correct functioning of the heart, for example unsaturated fatty acids EPA and DHA, which we know rather under the common name Omega 3. Iron and folic acid are important for the formation of red blood cells and red blood colouring (haemoglobin). Haemoglobin provides the oxygenation of the organism and thus also its endurance and efficiency. Essential for our organism is coenzyme Q10, which is necessary for energy production. But when we get older its amount in our body decreases.