Vision statement

We are a traditional family company founded in 1990.
We produce and deliver our products to the markets under the brands Vitar, Energit, Revital, Maxi Vita, Capri-Sun, Predator and more.


We represent and constantly fulfill the mission of a socially responsible company both towards consumers and business partners, as well as toward nature.
We always treat customers, suppliers and other partners based on respect, dignity and professional ethics.
Everything underlines our company motto:
In accordance with our company motto we financially support through our products or through our direct activities various charitable, cultural and sports projects, including the activities of local governments.
We also support the areas of healthcare, emergency services and social services.


Our products contribute in a simple and economical way to the fulfillment of healthy lifestyle trends, disease prevention and health promotion. All products placed on the market are in accordance with the valid legislation.


For the satisfaction of all employees we create and constantly improve a working environment that supports their satisfaction, activity, expertise, performance, creativity and loyalty.
We are constantly building awareness of the importance of mutual cooperation and communication.


We represent permanent security for our business partners as we have been long the largest manufacturer and supplier of food supplements to retail chains and drugstores in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, as well as a stronger exporter.
We constantly offer to retail chains in Central and Eastern Europe as well as pharmacies in the Czech and Slovak Republic a wide assortment, marketing and sales support and a guarantee of reliability and quality of supplies. 
Worldwide we represent an important partner for development and production under our brand or the customer´s brand, ensuring flexibility, comprehensive services and term reliability.


In all our activities we pay atention to minimize the negative impact on the environment. 
For our products we use materials that are recycled or recyclable as much as possible. For many products we take care to minimize the generation of waste.  
We actively raise awareness among our employees about the quality and safety of our products as of course VITAR´s obligations to consumers. 
The quality, safety and long-term sustainability of our products, processes and services is confirmed by ISO 22000 and FSSC 22000 certification. We constantly increase production productivity through  automation, efficient use of machinery and gradually decreasing material and energy requirements.