By entering VITAR website, by its use and/or by providing us with your personal data, you confirm that you agree with collection and processing of your personal data according to the law no. 101/2000 Coll. about the personal data protection and with the validity from 25th May 2018 according to the General Regulation of European Parliament and of the Council (EU) 2016/679, about the personal data protection (GDPR), for the purpose of processing your order (e-shop), question or another service provided on this website. The approval is provided for the time until its cancellation. The website operator acts completely in accordance with the law regulations and your personal data will be secured according to the law and used only for the execution of a business case, improvement of the quality of services provided and the marketing purposes or cases, where the law imposes or allows it to the operator.
The operator will not provide your personal data in any case and in any form to a third party, with the exception of the processor. Your personal data will be used solely for the purpose of the order execution and marketing purposes, and they are also intended for the necessary accounting operations, issue of a tax document, identification of your bank transfer payment or for the correct delivery of the goods.
If you use your right and express, in a written form, your disapproval with your personal data record, in such a case the website operator will delete these data from their database to a necessary extent.