MaxiVita Herbal Syrup Good night

  • Maxi Vita Herbal Bylinný elixír Na spaní

MaxiVita Herbal Syrup Good night

With melissa, thyme, St. John´s Worth, Valerian and vitamin C.
SKU: 43800006
Form: Syrup
Quantity: 260 g / 200 ml

Detailed description

  • Description
  • Ingredients
  • Dosage


Quality sleep is very important for proper regeneration of our body. Busy lifestyle brings many stresfull situations, which can negatively affect the well-being of the organism. Our body and mind are under the pressure and we cannot eliminate it even during sleep. Contained herbal extracts have calming effect, support mental relaxation and brings relaxations during sleep.

Food supplement – syrup with herbal extracts and vitamin C.


Active ingredients

in 10 ml (table-spoon) and % RI*

melissa extract

(Melisa officinalis)

(extract 5:1 corresponds to 250 mg of herbal substance)

50 mg

thyme extract

(Thymus vulgaris)

(extract 10:1 corresponds to 500 mg of herbal substance)

50 mg

valerian extract

(Hypericum perforatum )

(extract 6:1 corresponds to 300 mg of herbal substance)

50 mg

St. John´s Worth

(Valeriana officinalis )

(extract 4:1 corresponds to 200 mg of herbal substance)

50 mg

vitamin C (L-ascorbic acid)

40 mg (50 %)

*RI - reference intakes


Recommended dosage: adults 10 ml (one table-spoon) 1x daily before going to sleep. Shake well before use. Possible opacity, caused by natural extracts, is not harmful. Not recommended to be used during the day. Not suitable for pregnant and nursing women and person with kidney and liver impairmant and when taking medication for the heart. After opening keep in a cold place and use within 2 months at best.

Quantity: 260 g / 200 ml

Licences and recommendation: Registered by the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic as a food supplement.